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Building updates

In 2016 Eelco (jade architecten) and I had the crazy idea of building our own home & office on this plot in the city of Rotterdam. After lots of bumps in the road we started building in 2022/23 and moved in March 2024.

Our home and workspace are a so called ‘Passive house’ and with every building choice we aimed for the most sustainable solution. A building based on the principles and ambitions that also form the basis for the architecture of JADE architecten and my landscape and garden designs. With this building we show that it is possible to build very energy-efficient, bio-based, nature-inclusive and adaptable in the middle of the city. This building can be the start of a healthy city full of passive and affordable buildings!
More info about the project via

Main objectives:
Building CLT (cross laminated timber) walls and floors and choosing bio-based and renewable building materials were possible like the insulation made of wood fibre. With our roofgarden and patio (and our choice of plants) we aim to enhance biodiversity and reduce urban heat islands effect. Rainwater will be stored on the roofgarden in a water retention system and used to water the plants.

If you are interested in building according to the Passive house standard feel free to contact Eelco at jade architecten and if you are interested in your own (rooftop)garden design feel free to contact me


Brandadvies: Bureau Brandpreventie / CLT: Ekoflin / Constructie: IBT / Dak: PWM / E-installatie: GP / Fundering: Kandt BV / Geluid: Mobius Consult (extern) Nieman (intern) / Gevel: Bruag / Kozijnen: ENERsign / Luchtdichting: Siga / Luchtdichting meting: NH LTI energieadvies / Passiefhuis opleiding Passive House School / Passiefhuis adviseur: BCD Advies / Passiefhuis certificering: Svetlin Dobrevski / Retentiedak advies: Optigrün, Weverling / Staal: Stalent / Ventilatie: Lints Ventilatie / Ventilatie en armaturen: Prado / W-installatie: Seton / 3D scan locatie: Fund BV

Winner of the 2024 Nationale Houtbouwprijs in the category ‘private projects’!

The jury awarded our home & studio’s in the category ‘private projects’ and complimented us on our uncompromising sustainable design choices. We are very happy with the award (for timber buildings) and hope to inspire others to build the same way.


March 2024 we moved into our new home + studios!
We couldn’t be happier with how everything turned out. It’s incredible to finally live here after all these years. The wooden walls, the abundance of daylight, the stable indoor climate (due to our passive house building method), the neighborhood…

We built and planted the patio in April / May. Thanks to all the spring rains, the plants have already started to thrive and are filling the space.
The construction of our roof garden with retention will hopefully follow soon.

Photography: Titia Hahne

June – October 2023

A lot has been done the past months! The window frames have been installed. Everything has been insulated. The installations for the electricity, water and ventilation have been prepared. And last week the patterned façade panels arrived.

April – June 2023